Marañon dry Forest

Marañón dry forest

The dry forest of the Marañón is a fascinating place that hides in its depths incomparable natural beauties. This magnificent place is located between the Amazon and Cajamarca, magical places that offer great attractions. Inside it you can see high mountains with arid aspects, as well as the majestic Marañón River and a large number of unique birds of that region.

At first glance, because it is a place with a dry and tropical climate, it gives an impression of having little life, however it is full of great biodiversity and has a fairly complete and unaltered ecosystem.

It offers a beautiful panorama in sight, as well as an environment free from any contamination. The contrast of the rocky mountains, the dry areas, the variety of flora and fauna and the great river make this place a great visual spectacle.

It is the right place for lovers of nature and its preservation, because this dry-looking paradise offers beautiful views, recreational activities and clean, pollution-free air. The length and breadth of the river makes it suitable for extreme sports such as canoeing.

The forest has a fairly large area of ​​approximately 2 million hectares.