mangroves of Tumbes


In the extreme north of the Peruvian coast there is a very different place from what is known from Peru. Near the border with Ecuador, an hour and a half north of Máncora, the Tumbes and Puyango rivers flow until they empty into the Pacific Ocean. The water moves calmly, without abrupt falls, drawing meanders and lagoons in its wooded path. That is the Los Manglares de Tumbes National Sanctuary, a very particular ecosystem.

The Manglares de Tumbes National Sanctuary is a protected area of ​​Peru that encompasses a portion of the Eco region of the Gulf of Guayaquil, known locally as Manglares de Tumbes.

Formerly, these mangroves covered about 28 thousand hectares, reducing significantly over time due to the clearing of forests in order to establish shrimp farms. In 2016 UNESCO included the Manglares de Tumbes National Sanctuary as a Core Zone of the Amotapes-Manglares Northwest Biosphere Reserve