Valley of the Geysers - Tacna

Valley of the Geysers

In the south of Peru, at 4 hours from the city of Tacna is an amazing and wonderful paradise endowed with enigmatic and precious charms that dazzle the eyes of those who visit it. It is about the Valley of Geysers, a depression that receives gases directly from the earth, due to the number of volcanoes in the area.
Upon reaching the incredible place you can see the impressive geysers that give off large amounts of smoke and steam, as well as being very colorful, due to the high amount of sulfur, generating great fascination for visitors.

The Andean horizon gives travelers an impressive view, which immediately captivates them, in addition, the incredible panorama is accompanied by particular plants that grow in the area.
The beautiful geysers are used on many occasions for thermal baths, since their wonderful benefits are very appreciable for health. The tour of the geysers does not end there and the whole place offers much more, such as the regional conservation area where you can glimpse volcanoes, churches made of stone, snow-capped mountains. Also, beautiful herds of alpacas.
It is definitely a fascinating and indescribable place that southern Peru offers, and that arouses admiration by travelers.