The confinement of a population reveals many inequalities and a very little mentioned is related to access to nature. We know that a beautiful natural environment contributes to stress reduction, the restoration of attention and triggers various virtuous neurological stimuli, thus improving physical and mental health. Promoting this type of tourism means protecting nature and health.

Nature tourism

Peru is part of the countries with the greatest biodiversity in the world, however its natural beauties are not always well known by most nature lovers. Considering that the loss of biodiversity is the main threat to the survival of humanity, nature tourism has a vocation for environmental sustainability and commitment to indigenous cultures.

Selection of Hotels & Tour Operators

We have selected an average of 3 to 6 hotels and 2 tour operators per location, with a direct link to their respective web pages for your convenience. We have chosen quality hotels and when possible, as close as possible to the place to visit. All hotels have a booking engine on their website. Do not hesitate to make a phone call to resolve any questions or additional requirements, both to hotels and tour operators.


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